Thursday, January 01, 2009

Look out 2009, here we come!

2009 is hopefully going to be a year to remember - mainly because I'm GETTING MARRIED! But before we embark on that ... here's a review of the last FANTASTIC year :)

- Engagement excitement ...
- Mail Me Art submission - its been received so should be exhibited sometime 2009...
- And more Birds.

- Self portraits galore...
- Learned to make books...
- Science can be artistic ...
- Thank You Suzanne and students...
- Mobile swapped. Thank You Elise Marley.

- Portrait partied ...
- Had a Charley Harper Birthday...
- Started my 365.

- Made some ships!

- Did a lot of painting ...
- Met lots of lovely people ...
- Got featured in "A view in your mirror"

- Did a lot of sewing ...
- Finished the first year of my degree and went off and did lots ...

- Learning to drive ...
- Mmmmmm.... Cornwall ...
- Whip Up and ...
- Craft !!!!!!!!!!!
- They got round a lot, yes

- "How to save the world" sketchbook exhibited by Arthouse Co-op...
- Thank you Pete Scully...
- EJC 2008 - mostly spent watching ;)
- Found a wedding venue ;)
- Back home in Malaysia ...

- Molecular!
- Spider ... We was 'dere!

- New academic year ...

- Just working bloody hard!
- Exhibiting in Cafe Kino.
- Started dancing again ...

- Fail driving test :(
- GOYA projects :)
- Mutant SUPERToys!
- Molecular made Pikaland and MAKE :D

Friends give great plugs ...
- Emma
- Suzanne
- Sharm
- Janey
- Gesa
- Connie
- Zara
- Scully (and again)
- Milla, infact the lovely lady linked to me several times over the year - and I am eternally grateful!

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS FOLLOWED, SUPPORTED, COMMENTED, BLOGGED ABOUT OR GENERALLY BEEN NICE to me and my little corner of the blogosphere this year ... LOVE TO YOU ALL and have a GREAT 2009!


suzanne cabrera said...

Congratulations on a truly great year! I look forward to traveling with you during the next.

sue bulmer said...

wow, what a fantastic year it has been, and a wedding this year to look forward to.... exciting!!!!