Sunday, November 29, 2009

Handmade Graphics ...

Last summer I was contacted by RotoVision as they'd seen my embroidery hoops all over the place, and wanted to include them in an upcoming book about handmade graphics. They wanted to use my hoops as a worked through example. So I ended up pretending to make a new hoop and photographed myself going through it all step-by-step ...

It was published earlier this month - and my copy came in the post this week :) Am quite happy with how it came out ... no pay, but good exposure ... And to be published in the same book with the likes of some of my heroes - Luke Best, Matt Sewell, Mike Perry ... and many more... nice!

Get your copy here.

Also, the original hoops are currently on sale in my shop. Christmas pressies anyone???

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wedding Wednesday - part 8

Wedding Wednesday comes back with a special announcement - the official (as official as we can get) set of photos are up! We had to sift through several thousand shots from our awesome 'official' photograper, and also all the lovely CDs we received from friends and family - and here you have the best of the best (click on the image to take you to the flickr collection).

Also, our wedding has been featured (and very nicely put together too!) at Aussie wedding magazine/blog Style Collective (click on banner to go straight to the site). Thank you Amanda!

Last but not least - progress has been made on our handprinted thank you cards - yes, we are very VERY late ... but that's because I wanted to make something by hand. Flexoplates and Adanas came into the equation ;) ... If it all gets sorted, that will be a big Wedding Wednesday post next week ...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Erm, I won?

Remember this? Well, my piece was one of the ones chosen to be displayed at the Arnolfini Gallery. And not only that, I found out yesterday that mine has been chosen as the overall winner by judges Amelia Gregory of Amelia's Magazine, Fiona Hamilton of Soma Gallery, and the people from Platform who are running the current 100 days (to the Climate Change Conference) season at the Arnolfini. I won a copy of Gaia Warriors and a (being printed as we speak) copy of Amelia's Anthology of Illustration- "featuring renewable technologies to prevent catastrophic climate change".

I was quite surprised to win, to tell you the truth - but am very glad I did ... and it comes at the perfect time as my dissertation that I'm working on at the moment (and why there has been almost no activity on the blog recently), is all about how illustrators can engage with social/ethical/environmental/sustainability issues.

If all goes to plan, Platform will be using my imagery as part of the literature surrounding this.

*The 10 posters will be on display at the Arnolfini (upstairs) till the end of the week if you want a peek :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


All quiet on the blogging - as I'm mostly busy trying to get through my dissertation - it looms above me ... but as they say, even this shall pass ... and I'll be back to drawing soon.

Also, we've been having a play with the Adana - have made flexoplates at college! - but there are still teething problems with printing. Am trying to take lots of photos as we go along, and will put a photo story up once we get the chance ;)

Monday, November 09, 2009

Kaplan Altior

Brief for a legal-training firm to produce calendar images based on cities in which they have offices.

From the the top, Liverpool; Birmingham (canal locks); and London (Inns of Court).

Friday, November 06, 2009

The Royal Bank of Sustainability

Re-envisioning the Royal Bank of Scotland ...

For an Amelia's Magazine brief...

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Oh! Been very quiet here, hasn't it? Sorry - much busy with many projects/deadlines and getting over over a nasty cold. Here are some drawings of buildings to keep you (temporarily) entertained :)

A cookie to anyone who guesses what ties these buildings together ... ;) All will be revealed next week (when I hand in the final images).