Yup, this is what my ankle looks like at the moment (well last night) - less swollen than Wednesday, but nothing like my right foot. Hmph. All wrapped up in an elasticated bandage. My toes seem to have puffed up as well today - water retention? Who knows ...
Regular readers will realise that there's no "Week 10 at Art School - p.2" - missed another day at college - fortunately no homework as it was "catch up week", but unfortunately I did miss the induction to the big metalwork and woodwork workshops upstairs in college. Oh well, will have to get the tour next term.
Instead of trying to catch up on homework, I've been feeling sorry for myself, so eventually last night I thought I'd get motivated and at least document the injury - and that's what you see here. Initially, Sunshine was carrying me round whenever I needed to get anywhere (bathroom mainly). Then yesterday evening I realised that I could use the single seater sofa like an ad-hoc wheelchair (the yellow thing just outside the bedroom door on the top left) and wheel myself around the house. The cane hanging off the bookshelf is Sunshine's for doing hat and cane tricks - I tried to use it to help me walk, but it was not of much use - need crutches I think.
On the right hand panels are my friends for the week - Ibuprofen tablets, Ibuprofen gel (which ironically I had bought for Sunshine when he did a similar thing to his ankle not too long ago), and the 'Thera Flex' cold pack wrapped up in a tea towel that I've been using as a cold compress (alternating with a pack of frozen peas).
I've had enough of this being immobile - I don't make for a very good invalid! - and am hoping to be on my feet soon. Have started trying to limp about without the aid of the sofa - my ankle is still quite stiff, but fortunately not quite so painful. Fingers crossed I'm up and about soon, and back at college next week for the last week of this term.