Wedding Wednesday - part 4
Cakes! ... (other wedding related posts here)
Neither Sunshine nor I are big fans of wedding cake - especially the traditional fruit cake and marzipan sort. Most weddings I've been to I've found the cake was the 'least eaten' thing ... So instead, we did what Sunshine's sister had done at her wedding - asked our friends to bring us a cake in lieu of a wedding present! And MAN did we have cake!As you can see, we had at least 15 different cakes, including gluten-free ones and even a vegan one. I had been collecting vintage cake stands for the last year or so, so lay them out on a long table, simply decorated in the front with some coloured paper doilies on string. I also made each cake a little label-on-a-stick. Very easy, just printed the names out on some coloured card, then cut round in a vaguely oval shape with my scallop-edged craft scissors. The sticks are those little stirrers you get in coffee shops.
At the end we picked one of the lovely cakes (made by Lynn and Jon, which had incidentally been assembled that morning at a camp site!) and stuck in a couple of peg doll cake toppers that my new sister-in-law Lucy had made especially (she even made them to look like us - aren't they just lovely!?!).We also laid out some boiled sweets and my mum/sis/aunt made a stack of little cupcakes (haven't got good photos of those) and also you can just about see on some of the cake photos, Sunshine's parents brought us some lovely nutty petit-four kind of things from Dubai. And I have to say, it all went down a treat.... The table of cakes lay untouched - till after we had had dinner, and after we had cut our cake - and then it was like a swarm attacking the table! There was hardly anything left at the end of the night :) ...
So there you have it, our wedding sweeties ... more stuff to come next week ...
AMAZING cakes!
Everything looked so beautiful - I'm especially keen on the bunting made of paper doilies.
good stuff!
CONGRATULATIONS and Best Wishes to you and Sunshine. I really miss our old EDM Superblog! I stumbled on your wonderful wedding blog entries this morning and I'm in awe of your art talents and the fantastic way you added your personal touch to the wedding ceremony and festivities. Please leave a quick message on the EDM Yahoo Message Board so your old friends at EDM can see the photos.
This is absolutely adorable... what gems you both are. Much love xx
wow, i am so in awe of your wedding pics, it looks so creative and imaginative, very refreshing. Wish I had could do mine all over again (its 10 years anniv on Thursday, and my birthday too, very exciting!!)
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